Glencoe’s sesquicentennial year and the 150th anniversary celebration in finally on!
For nearly two years, the Sesquicentennial Planning Committee has coordinated with Glencoe’s many civic organizations to plan a year that is packed with fun, inclusive and education events for the entire community to enjoy.
Major sesquicentennial events are highlighted on the Events page, with a full list of sesquicentennial and general community events in the Calendar. A commemorative celebration calendar was mailed to Glencoe households in December 2018, with extra copies available at Village Hall and the Glencoe Historical Society. Special thanks to Coldwell Banker for making the calendar possible!
While we are all enjoying the festive aspects of the year, celebration is just one pillar of the year overall. The year will include three other main elements: education, participation and appreciation. Here is a preview of what you can look forward to:
From an interactive kiosk at the Glencoe Public Library, to a historical scavenger hunt, to a speaker series taking deep dives into topics like Glencoe’s architecture and faith in Glencoe, there will be no shortage of educational opportunities throughout the year. Already, we rung in the year with a special Light the Lights event in November and in January, the Glencoe Historical Society led an effort to launch the Glencoe 150 Hall of Fame. The stories of Glenconians (someone who lived, worked or was born here) who made Glencoe or the world a better place were heralded at the Hall of Fame Dinner on January 26.
Glencoe residents are asked to dedicate 150 minutes to volunteer in some capacity within or representing Glencoe. District 35 also held a "We Care for Our World" service day in April.
Idea generation for a legacy project (a lasting gift to future generations of Glencoe residents) is still underway. Preliminary ideas were collected last summer via the chalk boards in Wyman Green. Stay tuned for more information and opportunities for input as ideas are refined.
While plans are already coming together, the Sesquicentennial Planning Committee still needs your help! The Committee invites any individual interested in serving on a planning subcommittee to fill out the “Get Involved” form.